How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

psalm 106

October 28th, 2008

37 They even sacrificed their sons
      and their daughters to the demons.


The people of God rebelled even after they were given the Bible. After Moses they still fell into the horrible practice of their surrounding neighbors: human sacrifice. A godly life described in the Bible doesn’t mean one automatically follows it. The Holy Spirit is invited to come into life and make this kind of life possible.


Pray for the Spirit to give you confidence in following him.

psalm 104

October 23rd, 2008



2 he stretches out the heavens like a tent


According to the latest studies of the universe, it is expanding and they talk of a space “fabric” that expands as the universe expands. Kind of like the surface of a tent that is expanding…If these words weren’t from 3000 years ago, wow, I’ll bet you this David guy would be on Oprah!


Pray for continued insight into the natural world.

psalm 103

October 22nd, 2008

16 The wind blows, and we are gone—
 as though we had never been here.

When you leave your mark of love and it is all about Jesus, the wind can blow and what remains can’t be seen. What God does through you is there; it’s just that they see Jesus instead.

Pray for your legacy to be blessing.

psalm 98

October 15th, 2008

 9 before the Lord.
      For the L
ord is coming to judge the earth.
   He will judge the world with justice,
      and the nations with fairness.


It is not the nations that decide whether there is a God or not. It is God who judges the nations. Isaiah 9:6 lets us know it is God who rules. At least he will be fair. A good change of pace to have God in charge.


Pray for God to work in the world in stronger ways.

psalm 97

October 15th, 2008
6 The heavens proclaim his righteousness;
      every nation sees his glory
When we see the word, “heavens” like this, it usually refers to outer space. The place where the moon and the stars “dwell.” This verse has much insight to realize that even the laws of physics tell of the greatness of the one who creates with the intricacies of mathematical formulas. His righteousness. His correctness. His fairness. All people can see God’s ways straight ahead.
Pray for insight into God from the world around you.

psalm 96

October 15th, 2008

psalm 96

9 Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness;
       tremble before him, all the earth.

When was the last time you trembled at worship? I can’t help but think of the old hymn, “Were You There”-

…sometimes, it causes me to tremble, tremble, temble…

What causes you to tremble? Nothing? How much of God are you willing to see before the tembling starts? Maybe being more open and more ready is a start.

Pray for God to reach into your soul.

psalm 95

October 10th, 2008

psalm 95


 9 where your fathers tested and tried me, though they had seen what I did.


Do you test God’s patience, even though you know he gives you life and every blessing? Join the club…But, don’t stay a member long.


Pray for actions that please God to be what you think of. 

psalm 94

October 9th, 2008

psalm 94


7 They say, “The LORD does not see; 
the God of Jacob pays no heed.”

When those who don’t follow God’s ways but do believe he exists, they are not being foolish, at least with the believe part.


Pray for those who treat God too lightly.

psalm 93

October 8th, 2008

psalm 93


2 Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity.


In the teaching of the world’s greatest thinkers from ancient times, the idea of an eternal God who creates a universe that has a beginning, well, that’s unknown. Except in the biblical God. That is exactly what is being said.


Thank God for creation.

How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life