How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life


February 6th, 2009


In Genesis 1:24, the King James Bible speaks of God creating “cattle and creeping things.” The word for “cattle” is the same root as the word for “Behemoth,” from Job 40. This is a big animal or a huge creature. Poet and illustrator William Blake depicts it this way (there is that dragon again!). Now that is a creepy thing…

What is that thing?

February 5th, 2009

What do we do with the Hebrew word “tanniyn” from Genesis 1:21? Depending on the English translation, it is- “sea-monster,” “great creature,” “whale,” or “great serpent.” In other places in the Old Testament it is “dragon.” So what is the great creature that God created at the fifth day? “Whale” is obviously most preferred, but I would kind of like to imagine “Nessie.” Or “Elliot.” (Where do those names come from?)

rule the day

February 4th, 2009

People move to California for many reasons. Growing up watching the Rose Bowl on New Year’s Day from anywhere snowy and cold probably stirred more than a few hearts. Having lived in LA for more than a quarter century (sounds ancient), the words of Genesis 1:16 are true. At least as concerns the “greater light.” God made the greater light, the sun, “to rule the day.” Air conditioning, convertibles, sunroofs, skylights, outdoor kitchens, the beach, sunscreen, hats, tinted windows, sweat- you get the picture. If rule means, “getting your attention,” then the sun really rules out here.

that’s good!

February 3rd, 2009

When something is pleasing to us, we say, “That’s good!” This is the meaning of the word, “good,” in the creation story of Genesis 1. God looks at his creation along the way and he sees that it is “good.” This is not the same as the word “perfect.” Genesis 1 is not using the concept of “perfection,” which is a different ancient word. When God sees, “it is good,” it’s more like a cook who is tasting his special chili or marinara sauce and says, “Mmmmm, now that’s good!”

good vibrations

February 2nd, 2009
good vibrations
God is on the move. In the second verse of the Bible, “The Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.” The Hebrew word is literallly, “vibrating over…” Go here if you want to be amazed. I’m just saying…The creative power of God is ready to go.  

How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life