How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

You can’t trust you

July 10th, 2012

Living Life without God

When I base my decisions and actions on all of my parts, I am in a danger zone. I am so good at being deceptive.

We see this all the time in the world around us. That which is sinful is called “good.” Seeking the truth at all cost is called, “intolerance.” Disagreeing with someone else is labeled, “hate.” Life without God is upside down.

There is hope. I don’t have to do what my thoughts, feelings, body, social pressures, and even my very soul itself, tell me to do. There is the freedom of choice that is my heart. God can take action in my choices.

Left alone without God’s influence, my heart can’t handle the pressure. I will do the things I know are wrong and not do the things I know are right. Life without God is life ruled by the devil or me.

Honestly, I can’t trust myself to have my own best interest at heart. My choices will be ruled by my desires rather than by God’s desires. I will not even acknowledge that I am not doing right. All my parts will find a way to convince me that I am OK. I will hear the “truth.”

“Go with your instincts.”

“You deserve it.”

“Everyone else is doing it.”

“You’re only human.”

Life without God is as dangerous as it can possibly be because it will seem so “natural.” There is another way.

Who are the morally conservative atheist thinkers popular in our society today? Is this a trick question :) ?


How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life