How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

Living With Pleasure-Seeking Obsessions

July 31st, 2012

When we are turned from God, our bodies become the place where sin is lived out. The path of self-worship goes directly through what we look like and how we physically feel. We can see this obsession everywhere.

Look at any issue of a fitness magazine like Men’s Health or Shape. What do the models look like? Carved statues of the “ideal.” Abs and diet on every cover. People like myself who have a “one pack” are invited to know that life is transformed with a “six pack.” It’s never too early to start. Page through any issue of Seventeen and you may notice a slight obsession over looks?!

Then there is physical feeling. According to advertisers, I am invited to try any product with the understanding that I am going to be sexually satisfied as a result. Other than a touchy/ feely family love theme, every product out there is marketed on sex. God-given creativity and imagination seems to be stuck in the public arena on how many different ways I can make sex my god.

Pornography, alcohol, and drug abuse all are pure body ruin. We are bombarded with the message of feel good or don’t feel at all. Without a good spam blocker you will notice the two “V’s”, Viagra and Vicodin. They seem to be the solution to all my problems. Giving in to the search for pleasure is a direct result of heart and mind ruin. Social ruin follows because I don’t need you unless it means I can use you for pleasure. Even anger is not exempt from body ruin. Anger is lived out physically, as well. Getting a “rush” over rage.

So if heart, mind, body and social relationships are all on the path to ruin, what happens to me?

Notice sexual themes in all the media and advertising you come into contact with today.


How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life