How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

The End of This Journey

May 8th, 2013

It is beyond coincidence that this is the last blog post on my series “Inside Out,” which recaps the teachings of Dallas Willard.


Dallas died this morning and is now fully healed and at rest with the Lord. Prayers of love and support go out to his wife, Jane, son, John, daughter, Becky, her husband, Bill, and their daughter,Larissa.


A great warrior is receiving a hero’s welcome in the heavenly dimensions!


Here then is the end of my series.


We have spent much time examining a vision of what it can mean to live a transformed life. As we have the intention to make our renovation a reality, we have been given the means to follow through.


Dallas Willard connects us to God’s path of transformation as recorded in the Bible. Neither he nor God himself can force us to take that path, but we will not see transformation without it.

If you have been following the progress of change of the five parts of who you are as you have been practicing what you are reading, you are well on your way.


If you haven’t begun yet, you are invited to return to the beginning and actually try living this out. God’s desire for you since before the beginning of time is that you would come to him in complete transparency and say, “Yes,” to him and his ways.


I leave you with these words from a song:

Just like King David I cry out to You
Create in me a clean heart

I’ve grieved You again I need Your release

From patterns that keep me in sin

But there’s only one way I can finally break free

Change me on the inside…

“Change Me On The Inside” CCLI Song No. 2956367
© 2000 Vineyard Songs Canada (Admin. by Music Services)
Brian Doerksen


How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life