How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life


March 18th, 2009

In Genesis 2:18, God doesn’t want the man to be alone, and chooses to give him a “helper suitable for him.”

What does this mean? In the ancient language the word “helper” is also translated, “partner” or “companion.” Whatever your English equivalent, it is someone who  means just that. Someone who shares your life and you both expand your world’s as a result.

However, it is the word, “suitable,” that is most interesting here. In its most ancient root, it means someone who is “opposite” and “against.” Someone who sees things from a very different perspective and informs my thinking through that tension. Sees life through very different eyes.

Not necessarily a best buddy or a dear friend, but certainly my wife fits the bill. I would not be who I am in the same way without her.

How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life