How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

an example of what holds us back…

September 10th, 2009

How can we have radical transformation through the five aspects of who we are?

We take steps to change what keeps us from becoming like Jesus. We have the capability of doing this as we partner with Jesus and transform on the inside so we might be like Jesus on the outside.

If we go step by step in each of the five areas in detail, what would this process look like? I will use the example of "anger." Note "mind" is divided into thinking and feeling.

My Heart

I may have grown up in a family where anger is normal and “having a bad temper” is expected.

My Mind’s Thoughts
I find reasons why I should be angry about the situation. I make sure I keep focusing on why I have been wronged.

My Mind’s Feelings
I enjoy the rush of emotion that attaches to my anger. It makes me feel so alive.

My Social Relations
I look for ways I can always have the upper hand with my friends and family members so I am the one who gets to lash out at them when the opportunity arises. I try to place them in anxiety-producing situations where they are never really comfortable around me.

My Body

Frowning and scowling are my normal facial characteristics and there is nothing so “good” as to raise my voice or whisper in a bitter tone. I find ways to get the adrenaline flowing and take on a nice red complexion.

My Soul
In all the parts of my being I just keep focusing on my rightness and everyone else’s wrongness. I am like a god of my universe and I am looking for every opportunity to lash out in wrath at those who would question my goodness.

Whew! Glad I got that over with!

Posted via email from how to be a christian without being a jerk!

How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life