"And as God's grace brings more and more people to Christ, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory." (2 Corinthians 4:15)
Sociologists speak of the era we live in as "post-Christian," but I would differ with the term. If you mean a time in Western civilization where the Church dominated society and it was like "Big Brother" is watching, then their right. The Church is no longer watchdog in the West, and that is just as well. You can't follow the ways of Jesus without the Holy Spirit working through you. To expect those not Spirit-filled to be Christlike is a losing proposition. It is only when we are connected to our Father through Jesus that we are capable of living like Jesus would live if he were us. When more and more Christians start really living like Jesus then we will see more and more evidence of God's power to heal and save.Posted via email from how to be a christian without being a jerk!