"Seeking the truth, at all possible cost, with courage and consideration, and inviting others to do the same."
I did a mission statement exercise several years ago, and came up with the above phrase as my personal mission statement. It still holds true today. There is absolute truth that comes to us through Jesus. He is the source of all truth. I don't lay claim to knowing Jesus 100%, but I do lay claim to knowing enough. I know enough to know that experiencing his presence and learning from him how to live my life as he would live my life if he were me is enough to have my life transformed. It is my mission to invite others, who are receptive, into this same life. There is more to me, however. In another exercise I participated in this year, we were asked to come up with one word that would be a description of our view of life. The word I came up with is, "Fun." Through all the struggles, challenges, and setbacks of life "enjoying the ride," is important to me. Same goes for times of triumph, confidence and joy. I want to have fun in the process and I want to take others along for "the ride." I guess a combination is in order. "Seeking the truth at all possible cost, with courage and consideration, and inviting others to do the same, with much fun all along the way."Posted via email from how to be a christian without being a jerk!