How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

Tom, I am part of your legacy…

November 9th, 2010
My dear friend, Tom Natterstad, died this weekend. Tom was my senior pastor, leader, colleague and friend for 14 years. It was almost a daily occurrence to share life on life with Tom all those years. As is the case, when someone is a strong influence on your life, it is difficult to immediately measure the impact he has had on you personally. What begins as conscious guidance becomes unconscious influence as the years go by.

I do know this. How I think about leading and how I lead are built on how I have learned to follow. Following Tom's leadership has been a key influence and blessing in my life in so many ways.  Today, it is with great gratitude that I say, "Thank you, Tom, for allowing me to be part of your legacy."

How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life