How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life


September 1st, 2004

When you have an idea about something, I may want to consider it. If you offer me your sources for having that idea, I will be more influenced, but not without question. For example, I am the type of Christian who absolutely thinks the Bible is the ultimate source, “this side of heaven.” So, if you wish to have an influence, it is a powerful tool for me if you biblically support your position. I still may not agree with your interpretation of the pertinent texts, but you have at least strengthened my interest.

If you simply cite the university credentials of a person, it will not have the influence you may intend. I have spent too many years dealing with credentialed people from “prestigious” universities, who, I would argue, need more clarity in their thinking.

If you use “cleverness,” you have provided even less of an atmosphere for influence. So often cleverness substitutes for thought.

Now, I have learned from people who have used clever slogans, who don’t study the Bible, and who are Ivy leaguers, but it wasn’t their cleverness, their not using the scripture, nor their schooling that had an impact. It’s their thinking.

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How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life