How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

for the sake of others

September 14th, 2004

As I have said, if the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are historically reliable, than it would make sense to consider him God. Only God could do what he did. So, then my task is not to decide whether he is worthy to be followed, my task is to decide whether I want what he wants or what I want. If I choose to follow my own path, then I become my own god. Do I trust myself to live a healthy life? Do I trust myself to live for the sake of others, a key sign of human maturity?

An interesting observation is every great sign of human maturity for the sake of the other has been led by people who claim Jesus as their Savior. The list is long. Ending slavery. Establishing child labor laws. Womens rights. Civil rights. Hospitals.Not that non-Christians of goodwill were not involved in these movements, as well, only that they were spearheaded in the name of Jesus.

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How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life