How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

can a Christian move toward perfection?

October 15th, 2004

Can a Christian move towards perfection? In other words, wholly sell out to God? Apparently the apostle Paul thinks so.

…offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life.

Act as if it were true.

I think it was famous Green Bay Packers football coach, Vince Lombardi who said something along these lines. He would not allow his players to celebrate when they scored a touchdown, especially the person who scored. You were to quietly return the ball to the ref. Lombardi said this about reaching the end zone,

“Act as if you have been there before.”

For a disciple of Jesus, it is possible to do what you are not able to do on your own power. When you trust in Jesus he becomes your possibility not you. It is no longer, “What is your potential?” It is, “What is His potential?”

Act as if Jesus really is working in your life. Take risks reaching out to others. In a real sense you are perfectly capable of becoming perfectly capable.

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How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life