How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

FAQ’s of my new book, “Reboot”

July 29th, 2015

Two FAQ’s are answered in the introduction of my new book:


What is the purpose of your book?


How would I use your book?



Reboot: 70 Life Lessons with Dallas Willard is a daily tool intended as a catalyst for life change aimed at everyday people. We have rare opportunities to have our lives “rebooted” without significant events occurring, positive or negative. What if we could intentionally begin this process at any time? That’s what Reboot is all about. God transforming our lives. Along with Dallas’ writings, author Dana Hanson, a long-time personal student and friend of Dallas relies heavily on the influence of personal conversations…In clear and concise daily words, Dana invites the reader to join him in reboot, open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Why 10 weeks? Research shows it takes about 10 weeks for a habit to become permanent in our lives. In 70 short, deep, and practical daily writings, Dana provides a framework for anyone open and willing to begin to truly live a life of last- ing transformation in God’s Gracious Kingdom.

How To Read This Book

This book is organized with a 10 week daily reading and reflecting approach in mind. It is best to read this book with at least one other person so you can encourage each other and spur each other on in the actions you will be testing out. Then you can discuss how it’s going in this journey together.

In a small group, Bible class, one-on-one friendship… whatever configuration you choose…to be learning and practicing with others, joining together with the Trinitarian community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, will be helpful.

Dana also includes a quote each day from Dallas Willard. These are related to the thought for the day and are drawn mainly from Dana’s memory of conversations he had with Dallas over the years. These are some of the nuggets that stuck. The vast majority of these will certainly be included in Dallas’ writings.

Order Reboot today@ eBay or Amazon!


How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life