How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

Why Politics Isn’t the Answer…It’s About The First Commandment

August 28th, 2018

The Ten Commandments are about love. Loving God and loving your neighbor. Working for the good of God’s ways and working for the good of your neighbor.

The First Commandment.

“I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery.

“You must not have any other god but me.”

We notice immediately God emphasizes freedom. We worship a God who sets free and delivers from bondage.

So, if you don’t want that God what god would you choose?

Something that brings you back into bondage again?

Who would want that god?

The god of bondage?

Homer Simpson said, “Alcohol is the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems.”

Well today this sounds like politics.

In the mainstream world today, everything is politicized. As if politics is the center of the world.

Or, ‘politics is the cause of and the solution to all of life’s problems.’

No, actually politics is bondage. Trying to seek solutions to the world’s problems using human means. Good luck on that. If we choose not to follow God and his agenda, we are left with the bondage to relying on humanity to save us.

Your god is simply that thing you place the most trust in.

Martin Luther said it this way.

“We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.”

Your God is that which you focus on, that which you rely on. If you trust in anything other than God, your god simply doesn’t have enough power.

Sorry to have to tell you this, but President Trump is not the Messiah and he’s not the Antichrist.

He doesn’t have all the answers and neither do those who would “Resist” him.

Even though our media and our universities are working full time to convince us that they have all the answers, they know what’s best for us, this is worshiping a false god. We have to “Just say no.”

In today’s world we have to say “No” to the false power we attribute to our political agendas in order to say, “Yes to God.”

But, why do I have to say no to other things to say yes to God?

We can’t believe 2+2=4 and that 2+2=5 is also correct.

We can’t say God creates us, rescues us and empowers us, and then at the same time believe some other power does these things, as well.

God demands we love him alone.

And if we choose any other God other than the LORD our God, this will not only destroy us, but our neighbor will have to pay.

Beginning with the closest, most intimate neighbor. Our own families. The next passage of Exodus 20, after the first commandment, explains.

“I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me. But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands.”

That seems clear to me. God specifically comes as Jesus to carry out his mission to rescue and restore the world.

Logically, it makes sense to follow Jesus. It makes sense to pass down his message and model it for the next generations. There may be other ways to know the things of God other than through Jesus, but, what if I’m wrong? I may have just screwed up  the life of my kids and their kids.

Practically it makes sense to follow Jesus. Just take the Christian worldview and live out any part of it. Don’t take revenge, for instance. Or, work for the good of your enemy the way Jesus would if he were you. Work to relieve innocent suffering.

You see, Christianity matches reality better than any other religion or philosophy when it is actually practiced. Go ahead and try other ways if you must. But, if you are open enough and honest enough, you will always end up with the truth of Jesus.

But, if I don’t surrender my life to God’s ways, and don’t really attempt to seek him, there will be hell to pay. Hell to pay for me and hell to pay for the rest of you.

The first commandment.


Taking Disciplinary Action Against Breathing…

November 11th, 2015

I saw this email sent out by the Missouri University Police Department:


Subject: Reporting Hateful and/or Hurtful Speech

To continue to ensure that the University of Missouri campus remains safe, the MU Police Department (MUPD) is asking individuals who witness incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech or actions to:


  • Call the police immediately at 573-882-7201. (If you are in an emergency situation, dial 911.)

  • Give the communications operator a summary of the incident, including location.

  • Provide a detailed description of the individual(s) involved.

  • Provide a license plate and vehicle descriptions (if appropriate).

  • If possible and if it can be done safely, take a photo of the individual(s) with your cell phone.


Delays, including posting information to social media, can often reduce the chances of identifying the responsible parties. While cases of hateful and hurtful speech are not crimes, if the individual(s) identified are students, MU’s Office of Student Conduct can take disciplinary action.


What is wrong with this?


It is a meaningless email.


There is no human being living today who has not internalized what someone else has said to them as hateful or hurtful. Add to this you don’t necessarily know the intent of the communicator and whether they intended to bring out either of those emotions.


I find what Timothy Keller says about this genius. In The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness he writes:


“The ego often hurts. That is because it has something incredibly wrong with it. Something unbelievably wrong with it. It is always drawing attention to itself – it does so every single day. It is always making us think about how we look and how we are treated. People sometimes say their feelings are hurt. But our feelings can’t be hurt! It is the ego that hurts – my sense of self, my identity. Our feelings are fine! It is my ego that hurts…My ego would not hurt unless there was something terribly wrong with it. Think about it. It is very hard to get through a whole day without feeling snubbed or ignored or feeling stupid or getting down on ourselves. That is because there is something wrong with my ego. There is something wrong with my identity. There is something wrong with my sense of self. It is never happy. It is always drawing attention to itself.”


Also, there is no human being living today who has not purposely said something hateful or hurtful. We are broken people without exception.


In summary, there is no one alive who has not had their feelings hurt and there is no one alive who has not said something someone else internalized as hurtful.


If the University of Missouri Police Department wishes to draw this to a logical conclusion, 100% of all students, faculty, and staff on the campus, including the officers themselves, will be subject to disciplinary action.


Actually, this email is the equivalent of saying,


“To continue to ensure that the University of Missouri campus remains safe, the MU Police Department (MUPD) is asking individuals who witness incidents of breathing to:


  • Call the police immediately….”

FAQ’s of my new book, “Reboot”

July 29th, 2015

Two FAQ’s are answered in the introduction of my new book:


What is the purpose of your book?


How would I use your book?



Reboot: 70 Life Lessons with Dallas Willard is a daily tool intended as a catalyst for life change aimed at everyday people. We have rare opportunities to have our lives “rebooted” without significant events occurring, positive or negative. What if we could intentionally begin this process at any time? That’s what Reboot is all about. God transforming our lives. Along with Dallas’ writings, author Dana Hanson, a long-time personal student and friend of Dallas relies heavily on the influence of personal conversations…In clear and concise daily words, Dana invites the reader to join him in reboot, open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Why 10 weeks? Research shows it takes about 10 weeks for a habit to become permanent in our lives. In 70 short, deep, and practical daily writings, Dana provides a framework for anyone open and willing to begin to truly live a life of last- ing transformation in God’s Gracious Kingdom.

How To Read This Book

This book is organized with a 10 week daily reading and reflecting approach in mind. It is best to read this book with at least one other person so you can encourage each other and spur each other on in the actions you will be testing out. Then you can discuss how it’s going in this journey together.

In a small group, Bible class, one-on-one friendship… whatever configuration you choose…to be learning and practicing with others, joining together with the Trinitarian community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, will be helpful.

Dana also includes a quote each day from Dallas Willard. These are related to the thought for the day and are drawn mainly from Dana’s memory of conversations he had with Dallas over the years. These are some of the nuggets that stuck. The vast majority of these will certainly be included in Dallas’ writings.

Order Reboot today@ eBay or Amazon!


My New Book is Here!

July 14th, 2015


My new book,


available from

ebay and Amazon!


Here is what others are saying:


Publisher’s Note

A daily tool intended as a catalyst for life change aimed at the everyday adult and young adult. Along with Dallas’ writings, author Dana Hanson, a long-time student and friend of Dallas, relies heavily on the influence of personal conversations with Dallas and the experiences he witnessed of the model of Dallas’ life for over 12 years. Begun with the purpose of making the work of Dallas more accessible for his own adult children, Dana takes the best of Dallas’ thinking, including some specific concepts and language from Renovation Of The Heart: An Interactive Student Edition, by Dallas Willard and Randy Frazee, and blends this with illustrations from popular culture and his own personal transformation. In clear and concise daily words, Dana invites the reader to join him on this path of transformation, open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.



“My friend Dallas Willard would love this little book because it is
intended to form rather than just inform the reader. Those who choose
to take Dana Hanson’s seventy day journey will discover that Jesus
truly invited us into an “easy yoke” of daily intimacy with Him.”

—Bill Dwyer, Dallas’ former pastor

“I strongly recommend this series…With intelligence and compassion,
Dana Hanson helps us through barriers to real life companionship with
Jesus in the Kingdom of God now and right where we are.”

—Dallas Willard, author of The Divine Conspiracy on Dana Hanson’s How to Be a Christian Without Being a Jerk


“Dana will take you on a 70-day enjoyable and refreshing tour of some of Dallas’ most thought provoking sayings and introduce you to the wonderful life that Jesus promised. (John10:10b). While written for everyone, this book should be a required tour for college students, in particular incoming freshmen.”

— Lynn Cory, pastor, author of Neighborhood Initiative and the
Love of God, and leader of Neighborhood Initiative


“Dana Hanson, one of the premiere preachers in America today,
leads you through a clear path upward which opens your receptivity
to joy and all things spiritual. Take a “before” picture of yourself before
reading this—you won’t be in the same place afterwards”

— David Housholder, author of Kindle top-5 self help book
The Seven Secrets to a Meaningful Life

Psalm 26

April 13th, 2015

Psalm 26:1 (MEV)


Judge me, O Lord,
for I have walked in my integrity.
I have trusted in the Lord;
I will not slip.



King David messes up a lot. Great passion that is misdirected into sin. When this same passion works for God, he’s on fire in a good way…


Psalm 18

March 18th, 2015





Psalm 18:8-9

Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it. He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet.


God is a non-physical being. The Bible uses metaphors to describe him, like Abba (Daddy), Fortress, and Rock.


How about dragon? That’s what this sounds like in Psalm 18. But, dragon is also a negative metaphor for Satan in the Book of Revelation.


So let’s stick to Rock…Not The Rock, though…


Psalm 15

March 10th, 2015



Psalm 15:5 Whoever does these things will never be shaken.

Psalm 15 is a description of a person of good character. We don’t do these things to prove anything, but as the Holy Spirit is transforming our lives, we are becoming the kind of person that can do them.

What does a person of good character look like?

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How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life