Time out from Dallas Willard teachings today. October 2nd is our boys’ birthday. Greg and David are 13 today. Nancy and I officially enter the realm of raising teenagers, as we now have three. Let me say a few words about our young men.
Greg has a gentle heart and a playful spirit. What I remember most of his childhood is even as a little toddler, he didn’t like to hold my hand. He always wanted to charge ahead. Even today, nothing seems to phase him. One thing that warms my heart is whenever he sees me coming, it delights him to see me. Unless he knows he is going to get yelled at.
David is a deep and curious soul. What I remember most of his childhood is his connection to God at such an early age. Once at around age 4 he woke from a dream and said God told him to take milk and lemon juice when you are sick. One name we had for him was, “Healer,” as he would pray for your healing when necessary. What warms my heart about David is the admiration he has for me as his father. He makes being a good dad a pleasure.
Happy Birthday, my fine young men. May you continue to discover what Jesus has ahead for you.