How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

Helping the Hurting

September 10th, 2015

At the church where I am pastor, we are hosting a conference for the national Stephen Ministries team. These ministries provide training for one-on-one Christian care giving for hurting people.

As we are hosting the conference, a letter was sent out from me to 1500 congregations in the LA area inviting folks to consider attending. One of those letters reached Bethany Baptist Church of West Los Angeles. The pastor, LA Kessee spoke with one of our Stephen leaders, Vickie De Blasio, about the struggles occurring at his church. Just recently, they have had 13 deaths in their congregation!

Overwhelming, but the people of God are there. Bethany is sending folks to the workshop, but our Stephen leader, Buzz Brown decided we could offer more. Four of us traveled down to their church on Tuesday. We did a mini “taster” workshop for their congregation including help with dealing with grief, healthy healing, and visiting folks who are grieving.

The people of Bethany were such gracious hosts and interacted greatly with us as we shared our experiences and the experiences of other Stephen Ministers from LIFEhouse. What a blessing to see God at work connecting two communities of brothers and sisters in this way!

As LA said, “Can I get an Amen?”

Everyone is invited to attend this workshop September 19, from 9-1 p.m. If you are interested, here is the information.

FAQ’s of my new book, “Reboot”

July 29th, 2015

Two FAQ’s are answered in the introduction of my new book:


What is the purpose of your book?


How would I use your book?



Reboot: 70 Life Lessons with Dallas Willard is a daily tool intended as a catalyst for life change aimed at everyday people. We have rare opportunities to have our lives “rebooted” without significant events occurring, positive or negative. What if we could intentionally begin this process at any time? That’s what Reboot is all about. God transforming our lives. Along with Dallas’ writings, author Dana Hanson, a long-time personal student and friend of Dallas relies heavily on the influence of personal conversations…In clear and concise daily words, Dana invites the reader to join him in reboot, open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Why 10 weeks? Research shows it takes about 10 weeks for a habit to become permanent in our lives. In 70 short, deep, and practical daily writings, Dana provides a framework for anyone open and willing to begin to truly live a life of last- ing transformation in God’s Gracious Kingdom.

How To Read This Book

This book is organized with a 10 week daily reading and reflecting approach in mind. It is best to read this book with at least one other person so you can encourage each other and spur each other on in the actions you will be testing out. Then you can discuss how it’s going in this journey together.

In a small group, Bible class, one-on-one friendship… whatever configuration you choose…to be learning and practicing with others, joining together with the Trinitarian community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, will be helpful.

Dana also includes a quote each day from Dallas Willard. These are related to the thought for the day and are drawn mainly from Dana’s memory of conversations he had with Dallas over the years. These are some of the nuggets that stuck. The vast majority of these will certainly be included in Dallas’ writings.

Order Reboot today@ eBay or Amazon!


My New Book is Here!

July 14th, 2015


My new book,


available from

ebay and Amazon!


Here is what others are saying:


Publisher’s Note

A daily tool intended as a catalyst for life change aimed at the everyday adult and young adult. Along with Dallas’ writings, author Dana Hanson, a long-time student and friend of Dallas, relies heavily on the influence of personal conversations with Dallas and the experiences he witnessed of the model of Dallas’ life for over 12 years. Begun with the purpose of making the work of Dallas more accessible for his own adult children, Dana takes the best of Dallas’ thinking, including some specific concepts and language from Renovation Of The Heart: An Interactive Student Edition, by Dallas Willard and Randy Frazee, and blends this with illustrations from popular culture and his own personal transformation. In clear and concise daily words, Dana invites the reader to join him on this path of transformation, open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.



“My friend Dallas Willard would love this little book because it is
intended to form rather than just inform the reader. Those who choose
to take Dana Hanson’s seventy day journey will discover that Jesus
truly invited us into an “easy yoke” of daily intimacy with Him.”

—Bill Dwyer, Dallas’ former pastor

“I strongly recommend this series…With intelligence and compassion,
Dana Hanson helps us through barriers to real life companionship with
Jesus in the Kingdom of God now and right where we are.”

—Dallas Willard, author of The Divine Conspiracy on Dana Hanson’s How to Be a Christian Without Being a Jerk


“Dana will take you on a 70-day enjoyable and refreshing tour of some of Dallas’ most thought provoking sayings and introduce you to the wonderful life that Jesus promised. (John10:10b). While written for everyone, this book should be a required tour for college students, in particular incoming freshmen.”

— Lynn Cory, pastor, author of Neighborhood Initiative and the
Love of God, and leader of Neighborhood Initiative


“Dana Hanson, one of the premiere preachers in America today,
leads you through a clear path upward which opens your receptivity
to joy and all things spiritual. Take a “before” picture of yourself before
reading this—you won’t be in the same place afterwards”

— David Housholder, author of Kindle top-5 self help book
The Seven Secrets to a Meaningful Life

How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life