How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life

Psalm 2

February 11th, 2015

Welcome to Istanbul





2:3 “Let us break their chains,” they cry,
“and free ourselves from slavery to God.” (NLT)


Do people who don’t want God in their lives do so because they don’t want to obey him? Do they feel like slaves to God?

When you follow the model of Jesus and his teachings you are free. You can choose not to follow and there are consequences.

I remember driving in Istanbul and people were not following stop signs or stop lights. Four lane highways were treated like eight lanes and people would just drive right at you, so you had to swerve over or be hit.

This didn’t feel like freedom, being able to drive however you wanted. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

Having the freedom to obey is what brings blessing.

Psalm 1

February 10th, 2015




2 But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.



Law in the Old Testament is a way of life given by God. It is not a list of rules to follow as much as it is guideposts for healthy living. When you are appreciating God’s Word and you are becoming familiar with it, it expands who you are.



Why would knowing the scripture be better than not knowing it?


Grandpa Diary #44

February 27th, 2014

Dear Kaylee,

Come on now. Grandpa goes out of town for one day and you go ahead and start crawling. What’s with that?

Nana gets to see you crawl and I get a picture and a video. O, well. You are really moving now. In my head, I was hearing the song, “Going Mobile,” by The Who, as you are moving about, but boy, that really dates me.

Then I just saw you on Facetime and you were crawling backward. Instead of the “Moonwalk,” you were doing the “Mooncrawl.” I would start humming “Bille Jean,” but that would date me again, so I will just say it is hilarious watching you and keep working on that core strength!


Grandpa Diary #36

December 24th, 2013

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Dear Kaylee,

Happy five months! You are sure getting to be a big girl. As we talked about earlier this week, it was your mommy and daddys’ wedding anniversary on Tuesday. The second anniversary is a “cotton” anniversary, so your mommy gave your daddy some clothes and your daddy cooked your mommy a wonderful dinner with dessert, all made from scratch, because your daddy is a great cook! He even studied at cooking school.

What about the cotton? Your daddy had cotton scented candles…

Kaylee, I’ll tell you a story about your mommy relating to your daddy. When they started going out, your mommy was pretty interested in your daddy. Then, later, I knew she was really interested because we had a daddy/ daughter talk.

We were in Maui in August, and we went for a walk along the beach at night. It was a beautiful night (always is in Maui as you will find out) and we sat on a rock wall next to the beach. Your mommy was telling me all about your daddy, and I knew, “O, O,” this could be the “one.”

Well, sure enough, your daddy was the “one.” Still is, except this time, now your mommy has the one, your daddy; your daddy has the one, your mommy; and together they have the one…

You, Kaylee


How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life