How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life


October 12th, 2004

In a society that thrives on vengeance, Jesus says, “Turn the other cheek.” Don’t retaliate. Don’t lash out at someone who wrongs you. What planet does Jesus live on? First, what he is not saying.

Jesus is not giving a formula for government policy. In our public realm, we are to seek justice. Fairness. Government is in place to reward the good and punish evildoers (Romans 13).

Jesus is not giving instruction for Christians to allow themselves to be exploited and abused. “Turn the other cheek,” does not mean to be co-dependant to an abuser. To consider yourself not worthy of Christ’s love, to be forced to take your mind off Jesus is sinning against yourself. As an individual Christian, we are called to freely forgive as long as it doesn’t force us to sin.

Christians are to become the kind of people who don’t need to take offense. People who are not offendable. When you are connected to Jesus, you deal with others in a freeing way. You are not so concerned about your “rights” as you are your relationships with other Christians. You can forgive and seek to restore relationship with someone who has wronged you. This can only be done under the power of the Holy Spirit. And if someone won’t seek your forgiveness, you don’t try to get even with them. You remember, regardless of what someone does to you, God will do exactly what is right by them.

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How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk

Faith in real life